Clamp Together Duct for Industrial Ducting Systems | DAMN Filters
Forget about spiral ductwork. Cut your workload in half with clamp-together ducting.
Get a free consultation on cost, layout, and requirements for your next dust collector ducting project.
After our years of experience with flanged and spiral ducting; we're giving it up. We're 100% sold on the cost-to-benefit outcomes of quick connect clamp-together ducting on most dust collection projects.
Announcing! Free engineering consultations for our Clamp Together Duct System. No hassle and no commitments (see form below). Just give us a brief overview of your project and we'll put you in touch with a metal ducting specialist who will work with our engineers to cover the take-off, design, and estimate for your project.
Our product is comparable to Nordfab’s Quick-Fit Duct Pipe.

Clamp together duct is ideal for versatile retrofits of dust collection ductwork.
The only skill you need to know is how to read a tape measure. Many operators chose to self-install because installation is so easy. Contractors love it, too. It's so easy you could hire your crazy brother-in-law and his lazy broskies to do it for beer money. (Not recommended.)
Can you say that about spiral or flanged duct?
Designing a ductwork system? Let us do the legwork.
Our capabilities include 3-inch to 24-inch diameter rolled lip ducting pipe available in stainless steel, galvanized steel, and carbon steel. A large inventory of in-stock dust collection fittings, clamp-together elbows, branches, and a variety of dust collector adapters will kick-start any project covering a wide variety of industrial applications. We provide saddle hangers and cable hangers for a stable installation. We can also fabricate custom transitions, hoods, and manifolds where necessary.
Start Here to Request a Design and Materials Estimate
It's okay if you don't know all the details.
Just tell us what you can and we'll take it from there.
To start the process, give us a rough outline of your project.
- Timeline for the project?
- Where are you collecting the particulate from?
- Where are you moving it to?
- What are the port sizes on your equipment?
- Do you have any drawings? (If so, please upload below.)